Diamond occurrences in Greenland

Greenland has by no means been exhaustively explored and both theory and precedent support potential future economic diamond discoveries in much of the country. Diamonds have been known in Greenland since at least the 1970s. Exploration and discoveries up to 1990 are well-documented and since this time Greenland has seen considerable exploration activity from a range of large and small international companies as well as work by GEUS. The Greenland diamond exploration package documents the activities of various explorers but most notable in recent years have been Hudson Resources Ltd., Avannaa Diamonds Ltd., Icefire Diamonds A/S, Intex Resources ASA, Metalex Ventures Ltd., and NunaMinerals A/S.

The data package aims to collate as much publicly available sampling data, reflecting as much of Greenland’s diamond exploration history, as possible. Aside from basic information such as sample locations and diamond and indicator mineral recovery data, a large number of additional data fields have been populated. A detailed breakdown of the mineral phase subtype is included, using mineral chemistry in conjunction with contemporary kimberlite and mantle mineral classification schemes. Locations of drill holes, samples taken for bulk chemical analysis, petrology, geochronology, and full diamond descriptions complement the primary indicator mineral data. In total, the database comprises 338 fields for unique types of data.